
Rem Elephant

How WCOE Was Created


While traveling through Thailand on a service trip, teaching English to young children and taking care of abused elephants, I learned how critical it is to preserve and improve our planet's environmental health.

It is really easy to live our lives with blinders on, not facing the erosion of our environment and the struggles that people and animals face worldwide as a consequence of us turning the other cheek. I was turning the other cheek before Thailand. I knew we had to be concerned about our environment, but I was caught in a pattern of thinking that I'd eventually get to it, or that maybe things weren't as bad as people make them seem. Thailand helped me to see the error of my ways. My trip inspired me to THINK more, to RESEARCH more, and to CARE more. I began to realize that if we all cared more, our planet's environmental future would be so much more bright.

According to BBC.com, "By reducing your consumption of animal protein by half, you can cut your diet's carbon footprint by more than 40%." And that's just ONE change we can consider making. You do not have to have millions of dollars or a big name to reduce climate change.

I have an incredibly busy schedule. However, climate change doesn't care about my schedule or yours. It will never go away if our busy lives prevent us from making small changes daily. Thus, WCOE was born from a passion of caring for the Earth, and its inhabitants. I didn't want another moment to go by without bringing awareness to the fact that WE ARE THE EARTH - our planet is a gift we give ourselves - we can either destroy it or save it.


WCOE Founder, Remie Suvanto

Why Do I Care So Much About Climate Change?

Whether we realize it or not, the Earth's climate as we know it is warming and weakening. Before learning more about the environment, animals and why they need humans to help reduce global warming, I assumed that I couldn't make a big difference. Now, I am more determined than ever to make that difference through simple, small steps such as going vegan, using reusable straws, taking public transit, and encouraging others to do the same. I want us, and our next generation, to live in a better world - not consumed by the fear of a doomed climate that we could have changed.