What is the Mission of We Call Ourselves Earth (WCOE)?

WCOE is a student-run initiative to promote climate change awareness. Through setting up tables on various New York City street corners and other venues, WCOE aims to spread the word about the little things people can do to be a part of driving bigger change.

How should I use this website?

Utilize this website and the information it contains as one tool, one way of becoming more aware of climate change and the many opportunities we have for making small changes that might help in big ways.

Is WCOE suggesting that their methods are the only way to make an impact on climate change awareness and activism?

Absolutely not! We are suggesting that you come and talk with us because healthy conversation can lead to positive change (and who wouldn’t want a FREE reusable straw?!), but we are in no way suggesting that our ideas are the only ideas. We are merely one small part of a global movement to affect climate change.

I would like to get involved and help WCOE but your upcoming dates do not work for me. What should I do?

We would love to hear from you! Get in touch (email, Facebook, Instagram) and we can talk about other dates that may be in the works, or that would work for you!

I would like to work at or run a WCOE table but I’m not yet a Junior or Senior in high school. Can I still participate?

We are excited that you want to help! If you bring a parent or guardian with you then you can help at a table or run your own table.

What does it mean to “run your own table?”

Running your own table basically means that you are the “captain” of your table. You can ask Juniors/Seniors to sign-up, and/or have younger students there with their parent/guardian. Running your own table might mean that you are stationed at the table alone, if no other students are available to help out that day. You should be comfortable speaking with passers-by to hand out information and talk about basic climate change info.

Folding tables can be provided to you from WCOE or you can supply your own. The WCOE “Starter Pack” will be provided to you from WCOE (posters, flyers, puzzles, and reusable straws).

Table times vary based on participant availability and weather. Feel good about your work (maybe it’s one hour, maybe it’s more). And NEVER use inappropriate language or hassle anyone.

Can my participation count toward the Community Service requirement at my school or other organization?

We are happy to provide a letter listing your participation with WCOE, and there may be photos of you from your work at a table. But we do not guarantee that your school or organization will accept our documentation, nor are we qualified to make that determination. Community Service hours and documentation are things that you must discuss and arrange with your school or organization.

WHY do you have students running this initiative and the tables? I’m an adult who would enjoy running a table.

Thank you for your interest! We appreciate it. This initiative is student-run because we believe in the power of today’s youth and we think it is especially important for us to learn how to become more invested in the environmental future of our planet. It’s not that we don’t appreciate your input and your curiosity (by all means, please come visit one of our tables!), but we want to build this and know what it’s like to work together for a common cause.

We would like to use your logo to spread the word about climate change even farther. Can we go ahead and use your logo in our materials?

No. The WCOE logo is owned by WCOE and cannot be used without written consent from WCOE.

We would like to partner with WCOE to help spread the word about climate change. Is WCOE interested?

Please get in touch (email, Facebook, Instagram) and let’s discuss. The more we work together the greater the impact we can have.