
Key Information on Various Climate Change Issues

Great Climate Change Resources

  • Just in case you’re doubting how threatening climate change really can be, this website is here to provide you with facts, evidence, statistics, and science.

  • All the articles you could ever need to learn more about the impacts, the future, and the worldwide reach of climate change are listed here on this media platform.

  • The United Nations Environment Programme or UNEP states in this article what is being done and what you can do to reduce the effects of climate change. From videos to press releases to tips, this website has got you covered.

  • If you want to see how a major city like NYC could be affected by climate change within 60 years, this article and interactive map demonstrate how the environment will look and feel in 2080 when the damage will be irreversible.

  • Every single consequence of climate change is listed in this article by the Union of Concerned Scientists. From more frequent, deadly wildfires to changing seasons and melting glaciers, you may just learn many new things after visiting this important website.

There are many other amazing resources on the internet or in literature that explain climate change and global warming. Don't be shy - if you would like more recommendations or links, you can reach out to WCOE (email, facebook, insta). You have already made a big difference by reading here and learning more about what our climate requires in order to heal.